Legal Notice

Legal notice


Actiparc Pierre Maurel
214 Avenue Pierre Maurel
83480 Puget-sur-Argens

Tél. : +33 (0)4 94 44 70 70
Fax. : +33 (0)4 94 44 70 71

Photo credits


Photos are not contractual, subject to omission or typographical errors. The descriptive elements of the articles such as the dimensions, the weight or the colour are presented for information only and have no contractual value.
Any difference between these descriptions and the product delivered cannot be the subject of complaints on this sole basis.
EDMA reserves the right to modify without notice the articles presented in order to improve their technical or aesthetic specifications.

Website creation

Website hosting

Protection of personal data

In accordance with the law n° 78-17 dated 6 January 1978, relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties,  the user has the right to access, rectify and delete nominative data by writing to the EDMA headquarters which is committed to preserving the confidentiality of the user's nominative data.

This website is an intellectual creation according to the article L. 111.1 and the Intellectual Property Code.

All the elements available on the website such as photos, texts, slogans, drawings, pictures, motion sequences with or without sound, all the intellectual creations included, are the property of EDMA SAS or of a third party that have allowed EDMA SAS to use them.

 Any reproduction, representation, use or modification whatever technique it is and whatever support it is, of all or part pages of the website, without having obtained the prior authorisation of EDMA SAS is strictly prohibited and represents an infringement of copyright.

EDMA cannot be held responsible for any direct and indirect damage, especially material damage, loss of data or financial damage that may arise from connection to or use of the website or of information on the site.

The website may contain hypertext links to other websites. We take no responsibility whatsoever for any other website to which you may gain access via our website, nor do we take any responsibility for the contents, operation and access to such websites.

Mediation of consumer disputes

Any consumer has the right to have recourse, free of charge, to the mediation service of his choice offered by EDMA, as soon as a consumer-related dispute has not been settled amicably with EDMA's Customer Service.

The consumer law mediator thus proposed is MEDICYS (Centre De Médiation et de Cyber-Services de Règlement Amiable des Huissiers de Justice). This mediation system can be reached by

- electronically:

- or by post: MECIDYS- Centre de médiation et règlement amiable des huissiers de justice-73, Boulevard de Clichy, 75009 Paris.

In accordance with article L152-2 of the Consumer Code, the examination of the dispute by the mediator is subject to the consumer's prior attempt to resolve the dispute amicably directly with EDMA's Customer Service.
